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Beale Park Boat Show Day 3.Looks like a Sunnyside Cruiser?

Alick Burt

Hello Folks

Day three began with a dewy start.

Pic 1

I went for a quick spin around the lake before the gates opened but as you can see it was a little choppy as the wind got up.

We had a good selection of wooden canoes on the WCHA stand.

With Sam's Wide board canoe named June.

Nicks Chestnut soon to be turned upright for passing admirers.

Sam's Old Town hw. A lovely big boat with fine sweeping lines and Al's UFO (in red) that at some point during the weekend we set to and altered as we suspect it had been widened by a previous owner.

Because the show has other stands that have a selection of boats some also have the occasional canoe amongst them and it was on one oif these stands that I found this canoe that looks to me very much like the Sunnyside Cruiser that I made and brought to the show last year. Decks like these are shown in old pictures of Sunnyside Cruisers.

and the bow and stern have a very similar unusual profile.

The canoe on show had Canadian Canoe Company tags and I wonder if Walter Dean worked for them or saw this design and used it as the basis for his Sunnyside Cruiser.

I got back to our stand and continued to chat to people about our canoes on show and then later in the evening with calm weather it was a great paddling opportunity so a group of us suddenly took to the water. The light was incredible as I looked back and took this picture of Charles behind me.

We paddled around with the sound of the band playing as the sun slowly went down and I took this picture of Sam in Felix's Canoe against the sunset.

Another splendid end to a cracking day!


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