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Alick Burt

Further up the Nene with an overnight stop at Fotheringhay Castle. Day 2

Hello Folks

I awoke in the morning around 8.30 having slept well and peered out of my tent noting the flat calm of the river in front of me.

Knowing I had plenty of time I decided to paddle up river to Perio lock though I wouldn't bother portaging it as it is quite a tricky one to negotiate and I knew I would be doing plenty of lifting on my return journey.

I opted to have a leisurely breakfast (it may look like butternut squash soup but its my home mixed muesli in the container.)

I packed up my tent and loaded my gear on board before setting off up river and passing the church.

A little further up whilst passing these moored boats I was overtaken by a cruiser.

There was no wind and the water surface was still flat.

It wasn't far to the lock and I was in no rush.

I decided a coffee was in order and sat by the lock whilst a steady stream of fisherman arrived at the carp park opposite so they could fish in the lake on the far side of the lock.I wondered if the car park is for fishermen only or is it accessible to all??

Returning the way I had come, all was still flat and calm .I say this because the forecast had been for some stronger winds than on Saturday.

I pottered along taking arty pictures of drips on my paddle blade.

Having plenty of time I decided to paddle right the way up to Elton boat club and see if I could gather any more info about portage through there to the back water thus saving me having to negotiate Warmington lock.

I asked a boat owner if there was access and he said he didn't know.

I paddled right to the end and had a look without getting out before turning around to make my way back.

As I made my way back a second boat owner turned up and said “You can't get through the backwater as there are two trees down in the way.(Ah I thought does that mean that normally it is allowed?)

I said “Ok thank you for telling me” and continued back the way I had come. I decided to check the backwater out from the bottom end in any case as I had time to kill.

Between the boat club and the river my rotating shaft paddle broke. It seems metal Fatigue has set in and what may have seemed like small insignificant movements and stresses have lead to the steel breaking. Bring on MK 3...

Exploring the backwaters all was calm.

Even a swan who passed close by with a watchful eye on me was silent.

I found the trees and I don't expect the boat club people will be in a hurry to get them moved so they will probably be there a long time.

I made my way to one of my favourite brew stops. The way through to it gets well hidden later in the year but is easy to find now.

I pulled up for coffee and surveyed the small lagoon in front of me.

It was whilst having this that I heard the ominous battery low sound from my phone. I guess I had used up too much on videos the day before.

My return journey did turn out to be a quick one as when I returned to the main river I had a following breeze pretty much all the way home.

I leave you with a video I took on Saturday of a Red Kite with a crow in the field opposite my tent.



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