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A Water Powered head torch for a paddle through the Dudley Tunnel

Alick Burt

Dudley Canal and Tunnel.(with my water powered head torch!)

Hello Folks

I knew in advance that I would be paddling in the dark this weekend so I decided to prepare myself by converting my head torch to water power. I hastily cut out a piece of ply and made it into a water wheel with a block to take the wind up part of my head torch.

I had no time to test it and headed off to Dudley Canal trust and met up with the rest of the group who were to paddle through the Tunnel and back. We put in and waited whilst the swing bridge was opened for us to pass.

You might be forgiven for thinking why would anyone paddle a tunnel but this one really is quite interesting as it has spaces where it opens out like this

When we emerged from the far end (almost two miles on) the sun was out and we stopped for a quick break and to allow the safety boat to turn around. I took a tantalising shot of the canal where it continues onward.

Back in the tunnel we had to wait for a trip boat and I am pleased to report my water powered light worked a treat.

When we got back we had lunch and I paddled up and down a bit to get warmed up.

Then we went for a circular paddle on the canal. As it was light I no longer needed my water wheel.

Here's a picture Dave our leader.

At times we paddled through leaf soup.

and at other times the canal narrowed so we had to go in single file.

Part way through we dropped down onto one section of canal and then we had to go back up portaging three locks.

There were some interesting old canal side buildings on route

and some newer ones like this one which I think blends in with the colours on the geese quite well!

We also passed a statue of a famous pugilist (William Perry A.K.A. The Tipton Slasher!) before returning to our start point.

A chilly but sunny paddle with a historical tunnel for added interest.

Thanks to Dave for organising and all who attended for making it a fab day.



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