Hello Folks
With the recent good weather whilst I had been working on furniture in my workshop I was looking forward to the Song of the Paddle big meet in Ripon and hoping the good weather would continue but almost as soon as I got into my car it began raining.
The journey was easy but fairly busy and on arriving I found we had a great site right by the waters edge of the River Ure Courtesy of Canoe England.
Greg had organised the event and put up a very useful large tent for us to socialise and cook in, in the event of foul weather
We also had a water supply and portaloos to complete the ensemble.
I put up my tent during a dry spell and then sat back to enjoy the view as the rain picked up.

During another lull I went down to the waters edge. The river was exceptionally low so there was a sizeable beach and I took a mug of tea with me. In one direction was a lovely stone bridge

and in the other the usual concrete monstrosity.

I decided a walk into the city to check out other facilities was next on the agenda and went to explore.
I crossed a smaller river (The River Skell I think) and it too was looking low.

From my viewpoint I could see the Cathedral in the distance and decided it had to be worth closer inspection. I couldn't quite get a picture of the front without the tree in the way but these phone cameras have their limitations.

I returned to the site to await the arrival of more paddlers and prepare for the excitement to come.