Hi Folks Initially I wasn't sure I would be available for this paddle but when I checked my diary I had got Saturday free so was glad to be able to paddle a bit more of the Wey even though it is quite a way from my usual stomping ground. I had expected worse traffic so arrived quite early allowing for plenty of time to get ready. The put in had a middle of nowhere feel with a narrow winding river to get into and soon we were all ready.

The river is very close to main roads and civilisation in general but you wouldn't know it for much of the route

Andy was becoming very relaxed about this paddle (actually his seat had collapsed!)

We paddled on past moorings

and cut our way through portages to arrive on yet more bits of this twisty turny river and by now I like many others was quite disorientated but its all part of the fun!

There was a rumour circulating about a swan called samson who could be a bit anti paddler but although we met some they were all friendly.

On route there were a few cracking properties like this one owned by some bloke called Olly ....Olly Gark :-)

and at one weir there was this impressive mill

At this point Andy was setting up his special saddle.

The extra loop was worth the paddle to take in the ruins of Newark priory.

we passed another swan who showed a friendly interest in us

and we passed these cows twice as we returned to our final stretch.

Thanks go to Andy for organising and providing entertainment with his self destructing boat and to all who attended for making it a cracking day out. Cheers Alick :-)