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Beale Park Boat Show

Alick Burt

This weekend I got the chance to exhibit my Sea Kayak and Sunnyside Cruiser at the Beale Park Boat show.Getting both of them onto my car looks like a bit of a challenge but it is easy when you know how and you have the right bits of protective foam and willing helper to hand.

There were lots of other canoes there as I was a guest of the Wooden Heritage Canoe Association.

Just check out these beautiful old craft.

It is quite remarkable how they have managed to survive in such good condition and are still paddleable after many years.

Some of my WHCA friend s even had time for a paddle/bit of sailing.

I gave out lots of business cards and people were very complimentary.It was also great to chat with many like minded enthusiasts.

On the other stands I particularly liked this monster on the Thames Vintage boat club stand.

Thanks go to Nick Dennis for my invite and to all who attended.

Cheers Alick

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