Once the inwales and keel are fitted the next stage is to stitch the hull together but before this can take place the meeting edges need to be chamfered slightly on their inside corners.
I used a spokeshave but you could use a rasp, surform or even a block and sandpaper will work.

With this kit the stitches are made with copper wire or fishing line. Other things can be used some people use electrician's cable ties. Whatever is used, to begin with they are tied loosely to allow for adjustment as the parts are put together. The ends of the chines are put together first.

Then these are stitched to the bottom.

It is important not to have the stitching sticking up too high on the inside corner so I go round with this tool and push the wire down. You can use a blunt screwdriver as an alternative.

Next the bevel is cut on the top edges of the chines. It is easier to see the correct angle with the parts together like this.

The side panels follow and you will need to put something between them to spread them as you work on one side and then the other.

With all the parts stitched she immediately starts to look like a boat and the centre thwart is put in temporarily to get the sides to the right width.

Thank you for reading